Saturday, May 10, 2014

We've had a great time in Santa Monica meeting up with family and friends prior to the start of the Tour.

Mimi and Ted were kind enough to pick us up at the airport and shuttle us to dinner and our hotel.  They gave us some goodies that will come in handy on the ride; cooling towels like the one I used in the Boston Marathon 3 years ago when temperatures reached 90 degrees.  We wish you guys could meet us in Boston!

Dr. Mike's (and our) friend Colin Morawski (pictured with Michelle and me) met us for a drink and dinner (at Blue plate Taco).  It was great to catch up and hear about his impressive sub 12 hour Ironman run in New Zealand.  I decided Colin should quit his job and become a professional; I guarantee he would win his age group. 

Our friends Sue and Kim that we met on the BackRoad Crotia trip.  They announced their new position as our surrogate daughters.  Now we need to find them husbands and get them off the payroll.  Interested, unattached gentlemen should contact me to arrange a date with these beauties.
It was great catching up and thinking about our next bike trip.

Off shortly to meet the Tour family.  We start pedaling early tomorrow morning!


Michael and Michelle

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